Anderson Paak

Songtext Left to right Anderson Paak


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Left to right

Yeah, them label me a criminal
Like me some type of animal
They wan' call me cannibal (True)
Celebratin' like it's carnival (Yeah)
Left hand, signal
Bury the food in [?]
Ya haffi respect principle
You niggas do it to 'em minimal (Minimal)I broke you down to a mineral
My gyal, we finally made it to the pinnacle
How long you niggas waited for the antidote?
My god, she got a stance like a antelope
(Oh, yes lawd)
An ass like a cantaloupe
Now strike a pose for the camera, yo
And go

Left to right, left-left to right
Left to right, left-left to right, whoa
Run it up, gyal, bring it low
Salute me like a five star general
Jump left to right, left-left to right
Left to right, left-left to right, ohBend over, gyal, touch your toe
Show me you got, bend ya bone
And go left to right, left-left to right

Girl, I'm back to act a fool wit' it
Said it all, I gotta fool wit' it
A nigga know just what to do with it
Real life, I know you miss me like you miss Obama
Real time, I been gettin' busy with them commas
Feels like I've been livin' life without a conscience
Realize that you're fuckin' with a real monster
You're too live, ya say ya do what ya don't
See me now, no need for hang up me coat
Big cloud, you see that ting with me smoke
[?] won't come, rip off them clothes
[?] clip off them nose
Cruiseliner, you know we control the boat
Who's finer? Fuck it, I'll take them both
They wanna break bread? Fuck it, I'll give 'em a loaf
Always encourage a nigga growth
Bad gyal, hold me down, never go
Buckwild, bustin' off a chemical
Sit it down, somethin' nice for ya hole
Ya pom pom digital [?]
Now come, come, digital
Let we make a movie, digital

Left to right, left-left to right
Left to right, left-left to right, whoa
I tried to tiptoe around it
Ya take me for fool
I lost my mind, but I found it
Now look at how I groove, ah
Pressed up beside me, hittin' me witcha thigh
Remindin' me what I do this for
So critical, so physical
So difficult, but still a miracle

I'm fuckin' up the weekend, I'm jumpin' off the deep end
I'm high as fuck in this bitch, think I'm finally peakin'
They wanna see me in a cell, they want me in the precinct
They wanna see me broke and sad, they want me street-sweepin'
They keep screamin' about, "Give me somethin' decent"
Now, why you disturbin' me now? BItch, I'm in a meetin'

Left to right, left-left to right
Left to right, left-left to right, whoa

Left hand, signal
Bury the food in [?]
Ya haffi respect principle
You niggas do it to 'em minimal (Minimal)
I broke you down to a mineral
My gyal, we finally made it to the pinnacle
How long you niggas waited for the antidote?
My god, she got a stance like a antelope
(Oh, yes lawd)
An ass like a cantaloupe
Now strike a pose for the camera, yo
And go

Left to right, left-left to right
Left to right, left-left to right, oh
I tried to tiptoe around it
Ya take me for fool
I lost my mind, but I found it
Now look at how I groove, ah
Pressed up beside me, hittin' me witcha thigh
Remindin' me what I do this for
So critical, so physical
So difficult, but still a miracle
Left to right, left-left to right
Left to right, left-left to right, whoa
Left to right, left-left to right
Left to right, left-left to right, whoa
Left to right, left-left to right
Left to right, left-left to right, whoa

So critical, so physical
So difficult, but still a miracle

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